This is our 4th year as season ticket holders to the Iowa Hawkeye football games. A frequently asked question we’ve gotten since Adelyn was born is if we still planned to get season tickets….the answer was always yes! We want to continue this fun tradition and one day will include her in on the fun!!
The first game of the year was the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. We spent the night my parents house. They kept Adelyn for the day while we went to the game. Our friends, Nate & Kylie joined us! We left at the early hour of 4am for the 2 1/2 hour road trip to Iowa City. We spent the morning tail gating and enjoying some good eats!
Unfortunately we got rained on at the game! I should say we were hit with a hurricane! It was rianing so hard in the 3rd quarter you could see the sheets of rain coming down and the stairs quickly turned into rivers! Thanks goodness for our ponchos….from the knees up we were dry for the most part!
I zoomed in across the stadium to find Nate & Kylie. Can you spot them? (Hint: Nate has a red jacket on.)
Because of the hevy amount of rain they ended up calling a rain delay that lasted for almost two hours. This was Nate’s first Iowa game, so they were A-ok with waiting it out! While we waited we tried to dry off, which included wringing out our shoes!
After the rain subsided we were able to go back in the stadium to finish watching the game. Because of the length of the delay a LOT of fans left which meant we could sit wherever we wanted….50 yard line, row 5!!
It was like we were so close we could reach out and touch the players and coaches! So cool!
Some friends of our’s from work were at the game. I used the zoom on our camera to find them on the other side of the stadium!!
Despite the rain, we had a great time! Nate’s comment after the game was, “If it hadn’t rained like that we wouldn’t have been able to go down and sit so close.” Good point, no everyone gets to set front & center for their first experience at Kinnick! Oh and we won!
The next weekend Iowa played at Iowa State. This was the weekend of our friends, Mark & Jenna’s, wedding. Unfortunately after 3 overtimes, Iowa lost. Kyle made a risky beat and now with that loss he has to wear an Iowa State polo to work every Friday for the rest of the season. I think everyone at work knows about this bet!
The week after Mark & Jenna’s wedding and Iowa’s loss to ISU, Kyle & Adelyn both got a nasty cold. For this reason and Kyle having a lot of homework, we decided to sell our tickets and stay home. Kyle enjoyed watching the game with his favorite lil Hawkeye fan!
Even though we weren’t there to cheer them on, the Hawks pulled out a great win! They were down 21 points and came back to win it in the 3rd & 4th quarters! It was Iowa’s biggest comeback in Hawkeye football history.
And the last weekend in September was yet another home Iowa game! Yes 3 of the 4 weekends in September were home games! We ended up not going to this game either. Adelyn was so kind to share her cold with Mommy. With all 3 of us being under the weather we decided it would be best to stay home. Plus I didn’t want to leave Adelyn after having to be away from her all week when I was at work.
Thankfully the rest of the home Iowa games are more spread apart! Eventually we hope to have 4 seats so we can take Adelyn with us or maybe other friends.

Fun times! I wish we lived closer to our university to go to more games!