Now that we have sent out Adelyn’s birth announcements to our family & friends I wanted to share them with blog land too! Seems crazy she’s already grown & changed so much since these pictures were taken when she was only5 days old!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Birthday Recap
Since my birthday fell on a Monday (a work day for Kyle) I spent the majority of the day with my sweet baby girl! I was A-ok with that too! Most years for my birthday I am work and it’s crazy busy. I welcomed the change this year.
My sister Wendi stopped by on her lunch break bringing balloons and a gift!
Adelyn and I went for a run in the afternoon. It was a perfect, cool summer day! We were welcomed home by my Mom and Step Dad….and ice cream!! They know me all too well!
Kyle started a new set of classes that night, but when he got home (10pm-ish!) we celebrated!! Kyle got me a cute little birthday cake and we ate the whole thing!!!
We stayed up a little later than normal (for a week night anyway!) and just enjoyed each other’s company! My gift from Kyle was a suite down in Iowa City! We will use it for a little weekend get-away in September before an Iowa game. I love this man so much! 26 was a great year, I got pregnant and we had Adelyn! I have a feeling my 27th year will be even better! I’m so blessed with an amazing husband and a beautiful baby girl!
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! PS we are still half way celebrating, we like to celebrate birthday weeks around here!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Happy Birthday Mommy!
It’s my Mommy’s birthday today!!
We have spent the day napping, eating, and snapping a few pictures. Well that is what I did anyway! Mommy stays busy while I nap doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.
She told me she sure is enjoying her day at home with me today and so am I! She is getting old too, she turned 27 today! Mommy and I are excited for Daddy to get home and celebrate tonight!
My sister, Wendi and I have birthdays very close! Mine in the 29th of August and her’s is September 2nd! This year my Mom had an idea to throw her a little surprise party. We did it a week early so she wouldn’t have a clue!
She came to town and hung out with me and Adelyn for a while on Saturday. Then my Mom called and needed some more cheese. So I had to run to the store and go down to Mom’s house early. And she really did need more cheese, it wasn’t just a ploy to get me down there and keep Wendi away! Worked like a charm!
We got our party hats on and got ready for her big surprise!
Wendi arrived at Mom’s house and was surprised!! One friend arrived right when Wendi was getting there, so she was a little curious what was going on! But overall still surprised!
It wasn’t a huge party, but still nice! Mainly family and a few friends! My Mom and Step Dad, Duane,…and of course Adelyn!
Our friend Heidi came. This girl is a rock star, in a few weeks she’s going to be doing an Iron Man!! You go girl!!
And our friend Melissa with her little girl Melora also. She is just a month older than Hayden. And I’m pretty sure Hayden is 6 inches taller, he’s such a big boy!!
My sister and BIL also came for the night, but didn’t get a picture of them with Wendi. Mom and Duane made a great supper. They grilled some smoked chops, made cheesy potatoes, squash (first one from their garden!), and some fruit! Great summer meal!
After we were stuffed from supper we headed out to the back yard and Wendi opened her gifts!
Hayden thought he needed to help Momma with her new gifts!!
It was so cute to watch Hayden and Melora play together. I love this face that Melora makes!! So cute!!
Sisters!! I have to say I’m slightly jealous, Mindi and Preston on vacation this week. They are spending their time off relaxing at Stef & Geoff’s lake house near Omaha.
Hayden loves to run all over the yard. I think here he was trying to chew on some of Grandma’s plants before Uncle P quickly got him!
It was an overall success! But….we learned Wendi isn’t a fan of surprises! So in the future we will make sure to just have a party, no surprises! Happy early Birthday lil sis, we love you!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Broken Computer :(
I’m catching up on blogging. About two weeks ago our computer decided not to turn on anymore. We have a loaner one for a bit, so hold on tight while I catch up on what’s been going on in the Bangert family! Instead of scrolling through the blog you may click each link below to see our most recent posts.
- 8/6/11 – Cory & Nikki Tie the Knot
- 8/13/11 – Mark & Jenna Visit
- Random August Update
- 8/19/11-8/21/11 – Trip to Omaha
- 8/21/11 – Adelyn’s Two Months Old
- 8/22/11 – Two Month Checkup
- 8/22/11 – Playdate with Emma & Grace
- 8/23/11 – Adelyn’s Hand & Footprints
Hope you enjoy catching up with our family!
Hand & Footprints
My Mom & Step Dad’s gift to us when Adelyn was born was to get her hand & footprints done on a plate. We finally got them done this week.
A high school friend of mine opened a pottery shop in my hometown a few years ago called From Miry Clay Pottery. He does an awesome job and is very talented!
Adelyn did pretty well and cooperated when we wanted to spread her fingers out! Tyler always does 2 sets, just in case one breaks or if you wanted to give one to Grandparents, etc.
By the time we were finishing with the 2nd plate Adelyn was ready to be done, as you can see here!
Poor girl!! But I know this is something I will always treasure!! Such a great gift idea!!
Tyler and his wife Laura have a little girl named Aubrey. She’ll be 3 next month and LOVED Adelyn. She wanted to help me buckle her in, Aubrey shared her dolly, and rocked Adelyn in the car seat. It was so sweet to watch them together! And Adelyn loves to watch little kids, they really catch her attention!
This is Hayden’s plate when he was 4 weeks old! Adelyn’s will look fairly similar. It will take about 3 weeks to fire the plate and let it dry. I can’t wait to see the end result! I’ll make sure to share it with you.
Girls, Girls, Girls!
After Adelyn’s appointment on Monday we had a play date with my good friend, Sara, and her 2 girls, Emma & Grace! Sara and I used to work together at the college and have stayed close friends ever since! This was the first time that we hung out with all the girls since Adelyn was born. I remember numerous conversations with Sara quite a few years ago about what it would be like once we had kids and families, look at us now!
We made our favorites that we used to have when we got together, alcohol free & calorie free margaritas & spinach artichoke dip!! The only difference was before we used to scrapbook when we got together, now we have our girls!! Emma suggested we do “cheers”! So cute!!!
Grace loved baby Adelyn!! She is 8 months old today, she was a Christmas baby!
We enjoyed the afternoon together, catching up on our lives & families and enjoying time with our girls together!! Grace is such a happy, content little girl! It’s hard to imagine Adelyn being this big, but I know it will come faster than I think!
Adelyn slept the majority of the time they were here (this was the same day she got her shots). But when we woke up we put her and Grace on the bed together and watched them interact! It was so fun to see them together!
We always have such a great time when we get together, just need to do it more often!! Especially now that we both have girls who will eventually love playing with each other!
2 Month Appointment
Monday Adelyn had her 2 month “Well Baby” appointment, which meant shots. The poor sweet thing had no clue what was coming. Daddy was sad because he had a meeting that couldn’t be re-scheduled so he had to miss the appointment. This was the first appointment he’s missed since I’ve been pregnant.
Adelyn weighed exactly 13 pounds and was 24 1/4 inches long. So in 2 months she’s gained almost 3 pounds and great 2 1/4 inches!
Doctor said she looks great and is doing well. She had to get 3 shots at this appointment. The poor thing turned tomato red and cried like I’ve never heard. Momma had some tears too. My poor baby was in pain! I had a bottle ready and that helped soothe her quickly! Thankfully the rest of the afternoon Adelyn was just fine. I think it wore her out. She ended up napping from 4-7pm!
Adelyn’s First Roadtrip
Last weekend Kyle, Adelyn, and I hopped in the car and headed west to Omaha to visit my sister & BIL, Stef & Geoff! Adelyn was a perfect little traveler, both on the way there & home.
We hadn’t been there since Adelyn was born and wanted to make the trip before I went back to work. We also wanted to get there before summer was over because they live on a lake!!
This was our view of Adelyn. We FINALLY got a mirror that will let us see her from the rearview mirror. I love it!! We tried a few others, but they just didn’t work well with our vehicle.
Before we left town, we stopped to get Aunt Stef some of her favorite cookies! Needless to say my prego sister was very grateful, as was her hubby!
Stef had a great supper ready for us when we got there Friday night, stuffed peppers! It was a first time for us to try them and we liked them!! (I tend to be a bit picky!) We spent the evening catching up and talking all things baby. Stef & Geoff are expecting their first baby, due Jan. 9th!
Saturday morning us girls did a little shopping! I picked up a few great deals I couldn’t pass up for Adelyn! Stef’s friend, Michaela, and her little girl, Sophie, have been staying with them for a while. Sophie loved Adelyn. It was so cute to see them play. Adelyn was completely focused on Sophie anytime she was around.
Unfortunately Sophie got sick with the flu while we were there so we didn’t get to hang out with them as much as we would have liked to. Michaela was very thoughtful to keep Sophie away from Adelyn. Thankfully Adelyn didn’t get sick!
We did a little early birthday celebration for me while we were there. Stef made a family favorite, Oreo ice cream cake!
They even arranged the candles in a 2 & 7! Hard to believe I’m going to be 27!
I think year 27 is going to be a great one! I’ve been blessed with a beautiful, happy, baby girl! How could it not be great?!?!?
Once afternoon rolled around, we hit the water! Adelyn loved being in the boat! She didn’t love the life jacket so much though! She ended up napping on my lap almost the whole time!
Kyle did some wake boarding. He hadn’t done it for a few years, but he popped right up and did great!!
It was fun to watch him! And I’m pretty sure he was enjoying himself out there! I love being out on the water. Growing up it was a regular thing for my family. We even had a cabin on a lake for about 10 years or so. I hope Adelyn has the same love for the water that I did growing up!
We took a break from the boat for some food!
Adelyn loves to be outside! And it wasn’t too hot to be out and there was just enough shade!
Aunt Stef & Uncle Geoff got her this swimsuit while I was still pregnant. When Stef gave it to me I thought it seemed quite big, but worked great for my big girl!
While us girls were relaxing in the yard, the boys were working hard! A piece on the boat lift broke, so they were busy working away to get it fixed.
After our afternoon in the sun we cleaned up and headed out for the evening. We went just a few short miles to downtown Omaha, the Old Market. It’s such a neat area in Omaha with lots of great places to check out. We were feeling a little spicy and went for Mexican food!
Geoff will soon be doing the Dad thing, carrying the baby & diaper bag!! He’s going to be a great Dad, we are so excited for them!!
The area that we ate was just gorgeous, dripping with fresh flowers & plants! Couldn't resist taking a family picture!
This little couple will soon be a family of three!! Stef is 20 weeks right now and looking great!
Sunday we had a lazy morning. Stef cooked us a nice breakfast and we took our time packing up before heading home.
We had a great time with them and love that they live so close now. A few short years ago they were 19 hours away and now it’s less than 3!! I think Adelyn was ready to be done with pictures by this one or the sun was too bright!