If you missed the first part of our elf on the shelf click here. His name is Bubbles and this is what he was up to before Christmas!
One morning Adelyn found him in the fridge with her cup all decorated. She wasn’t very pleased what he did to her cup, but she thought it was quite funny that he was in the fridge.
Another morning we found him under the mistletoe with chocolate Hershey kisses!
Bubbles reminded us to brush our teeth!
Another morning we found that he had built a red & green tower out of Adelyn’s Legos!
The morning of Adelyn’s 1/2 birthday we found that Bubbles had decorated for the occasion! Silly Bubbles (this is what Adelyn usually said when she found him, ha!)
One Saturday morning we woke up to see that Bubbles has gotten us all the ingredients to make sugar cookies!
SuperBubbles! {for anyone who knows us knows about SuperMan at our house!}
And the last morning he was in my nativity set kneeling by baby Jesus, the real reason for the season. We sure had fun with this and are excited to make it an annual tradition in our family!
How fun!!!