Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Jammies

I am a sucker for Christmas PJs, especially when they are little and go on this cutie!!IMG_0198

I think I have about 5-6 pairs for her to wear throughout the Christmas season! I just had to find the perfect pair and I kept finding more!IMG_0211

Some of them are snowmen though so she can wear those all winter (maybe this is how I justify it to myself!). I started her in them as soon as I got back from my work trip over the weekend, gotta get all the wear out of them before Christmas that we can!


  1. I love her jammies! I can't stop buying Christmas jammies (or just regular jammies). They are all so cute!

  2. ha! i have the same obsession. the jackpot is when i can find matching pyjams for all three kids! the snug fitting ones are my favorite.


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