Kyle had to open at work this morning so I slept in till 9ish, but when I got up I got right to work! I made Kyle some muffins to munch on when he got home from work and sliced a tray of pepper jack, colby jack, and summer sausage. New Years Day is probably Kyle’s favorite day of the year because of the following:
A whole day of college football!! In Kyle’s book it doesn’t get too much better than that! I caught a few highlights…but wasn’t about to watch 12 hours of football! So did a few projects around the house! Tuesday I got all the Christmas taken down, but didn’t get my “regular” things put back & do a good clean. So that was my focus today!
I finally got Mel’s wedding pictures printed and put in frames(she got married in June)!
And added a few other new pictures around too…one of Stef & me from Thanksgiving and one of me & Kyle from Mel’s wedding! And I couldn’t let the “pops” of green be gone when I put the Christmas away, so I purchased some vase filler from Target and it worked out perfect!
When I took my Christmas decorations down I wasn’t ready to put everything away. I left up a few snowmen, snowflake, and other winter things up since it still is winter in Iowa!
Now hold on to your horses ‘cause this gets pretty exciting…I also organized my sock drawer! I know that sounds crazy, but this way it easier to grab the right pair of socks that I need…ones for work, casual, or working out!
If you stop reading now, I understand, ‘cause it doesn’t get too much more exciting! One of my goals over my time off from work was to organize the front closet and that turned into a little more, I also organized my purses & bags. Before our bags & purses were stored in multiple places and now they are all neatly together in 2 separate labeled totes in the basement.
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