Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adelyn’s Spring Program

May 7th Adelyn had her first “Spring Program” at daycare. I was excited to see how she would do because she loves to sing when we’re at home or driving around in the car.
They had her room {18mo-3yr old} with 3 & 4yr olds all sing together. When they brought the kids in she plopped down on the riser {we’ll have to work on being lady like in a dress!}.  Doesn’t she look thrilled?!?
They sang By and By, Bear Hunt, This Little Light of Mine, and Sing & Shout. Adelyn was more interested in watching the big kids than she was in participating. But we sure did get a sick out of some of her friends! I think this is when they were singing “This little light of mine”
And no program is complete without a picture of your kid picking their nose! Ha!
This is Adelyn with one of her head teacher’s, Miss Linda. She is always excited to see Miss Linda each morning. I just love our new daycare and am so thankful to be there!
Shelby is also one of Adelyn’s teachers and Adelyn talks everyday about how she plays with Meg, Ella, and Shelby! {Meg & Ella are 2 of her little friends} We love Shelby, she’s so good with kids and we’ve known her & her family for years & years.
I wanted to get a cute picture of Adelyn after her program, but with an {almost} 2 year old that isn’t the easiest thing to do! She’s a busy little bee with better things to do than take pictures!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love her dress.
    2. All of those pictures are precious. Especially the lady like one and the nose picking one.
    3. There is no way my son would still be standing on the risers. He would have ran off the second they stood him there!! I'm amazed she stood there the whole time!!


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