Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Avery’s Birth: Going Home

Continuing from this post here.

My Mom took Adelyn home for her afternoon nap and Kyle and I had some quiet time with our little guy before heading home. I took advantage of the sunshine coming in our room to capture a few shots of our precious baby boy!IMG_4517



I had been trying ever since he was born to get a picture of him yawning and I FINALLY got it!


We also walked across the hall to say goodbye to some new friends. We knew them casually prior to Aery’s birth, but had a few visits in our time at the hospital and got to know them a lot better! Their son was born a day before Avery and is 3lbs lighter! And they happen to live a block away from my Mom’s house!IMG_4534

When Adelyn woke up from her nap my Mom brought her back to the hospital so we could go home as a family of four. My thinking was that this might help Adelyn with the transition. Doesn’t she look thrilled to take her baby brother home?!? Ha!


Avery was NOT a fan of his car seat, but quickly quieted down {until we were about 4 blocks from home}.


He was a big boy when he was born, but he sure does look SO little in his car seat!


I felt MORE than capable of walking to the car, but my nurse said its hospital policy for patients to be brought out in a wheel chair. Guess it did double duty…me & Avery!


And Daddy got us all in the car! Thankfully our back seat is HUGE and Adelyn & Avery’s car seats fit next to each other so I can sit back there with them and don’t have to crawl over one to sit in the middle. Plus Adelyn loves to look over at her baby brother {let’s hope that sticks!}.


My Mom came home with us. Her & Kyle got everything loaded in from the car, we got take out for supper, and enjoyed our first evening at home together!


Let the adventure of raising 2 kids begin!

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