Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Reflecting on 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Weight loss Journey Update
Well a lot has happened since I last posted before my birthday. I exceed my birthday goal by 5.4 pounds and celebrated with Mexican food and ice cream! Twas a grand day
The next goal I set was to be down 50 pounds total by our Vegas trip in early October. I continued working out 3-4 days/week throughout September and tracking my eats using MyFitnessPal and lost another 6.6 pounds that month. So that made a grand total of 50 pounds lost since the first of the year! Yep, you read that right, FIFTY pounds gone this year…and I exceed my Vegas goal!
Can you believe the difference 7 weeks & 14lbs can make?
Kyle and I had a good time with our friends in Vegas. Sometimes when I would walk by a mirror I could hardly believe the image staring back at me! Such a good feeling! Oh and not to mention feeling confident in my swimsuit at the pool! Five months prior on our Dell’s trip, I wasn’t feeling anything close to that.
I got home from Vegas and got right back to work and lost another two pounds and busted into the 150s, I hadn’t seen a 1 and a 5 at the beginning of my weight since 2009 – pre baby weight!! At that point I was down 55 pounds total! After hitting the 55lb mark I set a new goal to be down 60 pounds total in 2016. At that point it seemed very doable, over 2 months to lose 5 pounds? No problem!
But…when trick or treat time came around my will power was weak and that snow balled into about 6 weeks of being off track with my eats. I knew I couldn’t continue with that lifestyle or I’d quickly be back where I started. Throughout those 6 weeks I still worked out normally and ate “good” for breakfast and lunch, but supper and snacking were not good. In those 6 weeks I gained about 3 pounds.
After Thanksgiving I knew I needed to reign things in and re-focus. I had worked SO hard to lose those 55lbs, there is no WAY I was about to put them back on. NO WAY! And I’ve got a goal to meet!
For the past 8 days I’ve been back on track and it feels SO good. I’ve kicked those 3lbs {that I gained during those 6 weeks} to the curb and lost another 1.2lbs and am on my way to hitting that 60lb mark! Stay tuned I plan to do something {almost} unheard of during the holidays, LOSE WEIGHT!
This is what 56.2lbs difference looks like!

Sunday, August 14, 2016
Birthday Goal: EXCEEDED!
I’m excited to share that in less fourteen weeks (14!!) I crushed my goal! As of this morning I’m down 33.4lbs in that time and exactly 40lbs since 1/4/16! August 29th I turn 32 years old and I promise you, I’ll have increased that “lbs lost #” even more!

Friday, August 12, 2016
Real Life Everyday Kitchens

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Transformation Tuesday
Back in May I set a goal to lose 32lbs by the time I turn 32, which gave me 16 weeks to get that done. (32lbs from my weight at that point in time, not my highest weight) I knew it'd be tough, but I wanted to set the bar high and really challenge myself. I wasn't happy with how I looked or felt and I needed to change that. I don't know how many times in the past 12 weeks I've said no to birthday cake and sweets. It was so many times and so out of the norm, Adelyn (she's 5!), asked why I don't eat cake anymore! When she said that it stopped me in my tracks! She and her brother are 2 of the biggest reasons I'm doing this and am more committed than ever. I need to set the example of a healthy lifestyle now. I don't want my kids to struggle with weight like I have. And just to note I will be eating birthday cake again...and I have had a few treats over these past 12 weeks, but I've said no more often than yes. It's all about balance and moderation!
Speaking of struggling with weight, those who know me know that ever since college, or so my weight has been like a roller coaster. I lost weight before my wedding, over our first 3 years of marriage gained about 40-50ish pounds and in 08-09 lost 50 pounds. I maintained until I got pregnant in 2010. I gained about 40 pounds when I was pregnant and lost it all by the time Adelyn turned 1 which is also when I got pregnant with Avery (July 2012)! I don't know the official number that I gained with Avery, but my pregnancy with him wasn't very healthy. Ever since he was born (March 2013) I've been struggling to get back to my "happy" weight. My little sister got married in August 2014 and I got down within about 12 pounds of that weight, but stress and the "busy-ness" of life crept in and within a year and a half I had gained 41 pounds! So add that up and you get 53 pounds. January 2016 I was FIFTY THREE pounds heavier than my lowest weight.
I never would have guessed that I'd be 3.4lbs away from my birthday goal at the BEGINNING of the month. How I see it right now, I have 2 choices, I could let off of the gas a bit and just coast into this month and, most likely, hit my goal. Or I could keep the intensity high, keep tracking ALL of my food, and hitting the gym & meet or even EXCEED my birthday goal. I don't think I need to tell you which option I'll be doing! ;)
I still have a ways to go before I get back to my "happy" weight, but that's ok. I'm on the right track! Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 24, 2016
My First "Fix"!
When I filled out my style profile I did it right through the app and it went really smooth! The other cool thing you can do, is link your style profile to a pinterest where you can pin outfits you love and your stylist will use it to help choose your five items. You also can choose how often you want to receive a fix, every 2-3 weeks, monthly, every other month, every 3 months, or on demand.
There is a $20 styling fee, but if you choose to keep one or more items that $20 gets deducted from the price of that item(s). Within your style profile you can indicate your price range. I chose the option that said "the cheaper, the better"! In my opinion, the items aren't "bargain" shopping, but I love that they are chosen for me, sent to me (I don't have to go anywhere!), it's free shipping, they are quality items and they are things I wouldn't normally choose for myself. The five items I received ranged from $28-98. Oh and if you keep all 5 items you get 25% off your entire fix!
Without further ado, here is a quick little video out my first fix! Check it out!
The jeans and the dress were both super cute, but too small. Also the cut of the dress did not flatter my shape. This is the other cool thing about Stitch Fix, you can be VERY specific about things like that (which I should have!). For future fixes I'm going to note that I only want empire waist dresses because those flatter my shape much better than the drop waist style that was sent to me.
Talk about being specific, look at the personalized note I received in my fix:
I love it! That tells me she read all of my requests I included in my style profile! The Ezra top was one that my cousin received and was SO cute! And the cargo vest is something I requested and have pinned multiple times on my Pinterest style board. You also get this handy card to give you some inspiration on how to style your items you received.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
I've become an excellent referee & negotiator.
I answer questions all.day.long.