Saturday, February 23, 2013

Play Date

My good friend, Sara, and her 3 girls (Emma (4), Grace (2), & Josie (7 months)) came down one Friday evening. Sara’s cousin watched her girls while Sara & I went to do some pampering! Sara had a great idea, instead of exchanging Christmas gifts we decided to have a girls night! And it worked out perfect considering reaching my toes these days is a little more difficult than normal! ha!

After our pampering we picked up a pizza and headed back to our house so the girls could have some play time! I’m sure you can tell by the pictures, but they had a great time!IMG_4241

We headed down to the basement after supper. Kyle & the 3 older girls had a good ole time in our “ball pit”!


Kyle would shake the pool like an “earth quake” and the girls would just laugh & laugh!


To the girls disfavor the night had to come to an end. Sara & her girls live about an hour away and it was much past everyone’s bed time!

We had to try to get a picture all of them first though…but trying to get 4 girls 4 & under to look at the camera & smile is next to impossible!IMG_4269


We had an fun time with our friends! Come back & play anytime!

1 comment:

  1. that ball pit is a great idea!! I wish we had room to do something like that. Hudson would LOVE it!


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