My sister Mindi & I, along with the help of our husbands, threw our youngest sister Wendi a suprise going away party & it was a huge success! She didnt' have any idea & was very surprised! She is transferred to Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida & she will be playing volleyball. We are definately going to miss her a lot, but it does give us one more reason to visit Florida!
The food table, we set it up in the breezeway & it worked out perfect!
The classic "rice krispie logs"!
Kyle making his taco salad! Yum Yum!
Everyone hanging out on the patio!
Wendi opening & her gifts that friends brought!
My favorite little sister....gonna miss her a TON!
Wendi, I, & Mindi
& Now Mom in the picture too!
Wendi, Grandma Freund, & Dad....he doesn't like to smile for pictures very much!
Wendi getting ready to serve, after eating we all played volleyball, fun fun!