With a new year many choose to make “resolutions” to better themselves and have a better year than the one past. I have done this in years past, but usually by May or June it isn’t sticking so well anymore. I was reading a favorite blog of mine yesterday and had a thought. Just because the “resolution” won’t stick all year long doesn’t mean I can’t at least strive to do better in a certain area(s). It can only make me a better, well rounded person.
One year I joined “Lighten Up Iowa” to get myself in better shape and I’m pretty sure it only worked for about a month or so. Even though it was short lived I know learned important things about being healthier.
Another year I said I was going to talk to God every morning on the way to work, this was a perfect time when nothing else could interrupt me. But I know I didn’t do it for the whole year, but it is something I often do now…no not everyday, but it is something that, if I’m not leaving the house 7 minutes before I’m supposed to be at work, I just do because for a few good months it was a habit of mine.
Even though I didn’t keep those “resolutions” they are part of what I am today. And for that, I’m thankful. So just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean this is the only time you can choose to make a change for the better. For this new year, new decade, I have decided that anytime, not just January 1st, is a great time to reflect on what I could do greater and better.
so for today, looking forward to 2010 i hope:
to love more {husband, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, acquaintances, strangers, etc}
to make attempts {even if they are one sided}
to give more {not just monetary, but any other way i can find to help others}
to diligently seek God’s will for me & kyle {in all situations: our jobs, our marriage, our family, our finances, etc}
to do random acts of kindness {paying for one’s meal behind me, putting away someone’s cart for them, simple. kind.things}
to pray more {and not just when i’m rushing to work!}
to be more frugal {spend less. save more.}
to cherish each moment {because you are never guaranteed another one just like it}
to be healthier {exercising and eating}
to live each day to the very fullest.
Now I know that is a great list to live up to, but you know when expectations are high is usually when people “perform” their best. And for now, that is my hope. And if/when I don’t meet each one of those things throughout this next year, I know that I didn’t fail, but I get the opportunity to try for it again and again.
this is magnet i have on my fridge and try to keep it in mind.
what are your hopes/resolutions for 2010?