Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elf on The Shelf: Our First Year {Part 1}

I was on the fence whether or not we were going to do Elf on the Shelf this year. I wasn't sure if Adelyn would understand or not. My friend, Brittany, said she had done it with her boys since before her oldest boy turned 1, so that helped convince me. Plus while in line at Target on Black Friday the lady behind just so "happened" to decide against the one she had in her cart, so it worked out perfect!

We read the book and Adelyn named him "Bubbles"! She first wanted to name him Jimmy, but Daddy wasn't a fan of that name and said he wasn't going to talk about the Elf named Jimmy the whole month of December, so Adelyn chose Bubbles! Adelyn gets very excited that each night Bubbles flies to Santa! I don't think she fully understands that he is supposed to "report" how she was that day. We really aren't getting into the whole "Bubbles is watching you, so you have to be good". IMO she needs to be good & listen year round, not just at Christmas to get gifts (but that is whole 'nother post!) Ha! Its more just the fun of finding him each morning & seeing what he's up to!

I printed a blank December calendar and used my Elf on the Shelf Pinterest board to fill in each day of what Bubbles was going to be doing. It has helped SO much to have it all planned out, rather than trying to throw something together at 10:30pm before bed! I also wanted them to be "toddler friendly". I knew Adelyn wouldn't fully understand some of the more elaborate things I've seen on Pinterest. I wanted to do things that she is into, like books, stickers, the potty, etc! Its been a hit! Adelyn loves waking up each morning to find Bubbles! Sometimes she even says "Lets find Bubbles again!" Love this season even more now that Adelyn is starting to "get" Christmas!

So here's what we've done so far this month. The morning after we read the book I wanted to do something very simple & obvious, so Bubbles was just hanging around on the ceiling fan.

The next morning we found bubbles excited for the Christmas countdown with a few Advent activities!

 One morning we found Bubbles had made the kids elf size pancakes! They were a hit! Oh and we like peanut butter on our pancakes, anyone else?

Yesterday we woke up to find that Bubbles was taking a bubble bath! Thankfully Adelyn didn't realize those were marshmallows (we usually only have the mini ones)

I wanted a few simple ones for busy evenings. The tree & stockings were perfect for nights we got home late from events, family gatherings, etc!
Adelyn got a doll potty from Grandpa Steve for her birthday so it worked PERFECT for Bubbles' potty! She thought it was pretty silly! She did get after Bubbles though for using too much toilet paper, cracked us up!

I picked up a few Christmas books from the dollar section at Target and found Bubbles one morning reading them on the bench in the living room! Adelyn wanted to know when Bubbles would be done reading them because she wanted to read them! Ha!

I also got some Minnie Mouse stickers in the Target dollar section and Bubbles got a little sticker happy! Adelyn also really liked this one & quickly grabbed the stickers! We had a lesson that morning on asking Bubbles politely if he would share his stickers!

 One morning last week week we found Bubbles working on a Disney princess puzzle! Adelyn gladly helped him finish it!
I think this was the 2nd or 3rd morning and Adelyn was really excited to see that Bubbles was in HER room having a tea party with Minnie, kitty, and her Hearty bear!

And last, but not least, the classic sugar angel!
I will be sure to post the rest of our adventures with Bubbles!
What is your favorite Elf on the Shelf shenanigan?

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